Female Yeast Infection – What the Different Kinds of Pain Can Tell You

Female yeast infection affects the majority of women at some point in their lives. They can range from mild, with just a smelly vaginal discharge to aggravating with itching and burning that won’t let up, swollen and reddened tissue on the vaginal labia and, when left untreated, even more painful symptoms.

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It’s important to identify the source of your pain. Discomfort from yeast or Candida infection may appear to have a different cause. And pain from the kidneys, the womb and the back may seem to come from yeast infection. It’s always recommended you see a doctor if you experience pain and discomfort that won’t let up and that you can’t clearly identify yourself. Pain from female yeast infection can affect the back, head, abdominal area, joints and muscles.

The 4 Most Frequent Ways Female Yeast Infections Cause Pain:

Painful Urination: When the Candida Albicans fungus enters the bladder inflammation of the bladder tissue occurs and with that a bladder infection. When the tissue of the bladder is swollen it has to strain to release the urine and a burning sensation is caused by the passing urine. This is a common pain caused by infection in women, called cystitis.

Pain In The Lower And Upper Back: When the inflamed vagina presses against the spine it can cause severe lower back pain. When the pain is located just below the shoulder blades it could also be from a kidney infection caused by a spread bladder infection.

Painful Sexual Relations: When the vaginal walls are inflamed intercourse becomes uncomfortable, difficult and can even lead to light bleeding. For some women the pain from their female yeast infection has become so severe that sexual relations are impossible for several months. Intimacy and relaxation is almost made impossible by the inflamed vagina and vulva. The vaginal discharge from female yeast infection tends to be thick and rubbery and is not helpful during intercourse either.

Abdominal Pain: When Candida overgrowth occurs the yeast can cause gas that gives you abdominal pain. When we eat food high in refined carbohydrates and low in fiber and food with high mold or yeast content, like cheese and bread, it favors the Candida Albicans fungus to overgrow. The most common abdominal discomfort would be heartburn.

Female yeast infection can cause achiness and pain throughout your whole body. Candida overgrowth releases toxins that leak into your bloodstream through minor lesions. Your body weakens and your mind gets “woozy”. Painful migraines and joint paints are also not uncommon.

Now that you have an idea about how to get rid of yeast infection you can discover the exact techniques so you can live a stress free and happy life. I know that what I’m about to reveal to you about how to get rid of yeast infection may sound hard to believe but it is 100% true.

Source: EzineArticles

What After BDS: MBA From Australia

What After BDS MBA From Australia

Third year of my graduation was the realization point for me that I’m really not loving what I’m doing. Days were going fine with everyone around but nights were depressing. I used to think a lot about how I’m going to deal with what I’m feeling. It used to scare me. I often used to get depressed and think that what I’m doing now is safer and better than changing my field completely and who knows, I might get too unhappy and regret my decision.

To know how to settle in abroad after BDS in india visit our dental portal.

Yes, I was thinking of changing my field and get into management full time and that’s how the search for other opportunities started. To do MBA from India, is a very tedious procedure and was stressing me out. My parents were aware of this and they completely supported my decision. Suddenly, my parents impromptu business visit to Australia somehow turned my world upside down for better. It was my father who suggested me to do research and look for better universities and that’s how my journey started. If you are planning to study abroad after your BDS from India then, before you proceed; do read my blog post on “Things To Consider Before Studying Abroad

If you guys are really interested in pursuing MBA in hospital management from Australia then here are the answers to some common questions,

Why MBA in Hospital Management?

MBA in hospital management has good scope in India and other countries due to the increase in awareness among people. It has emerged as a new career opportunity not only for doctors but also for other science graduates. After completing MBA, there are enough options you can opt for. You can get into hospital management or can join companies related to health and marketing. Scope is vast but the clarity and the assurance about why you really want to do it, is important. All these things doesn’t matter unless and until you have the interest for management. If you are sure that you really enjoy management than clinical field then you should completely go for it.

Why I chose Australia?

1.Procedure is relatively simple.

2.Has some really good universities.

3.Has really good scope in health management.

4.Flexible enough to work and study as well. So you can earn while studying.

Australian Student visa allows you to study full time and work part time for 20hrs a week, which is sufficient for your living expenses. Part time work in Australia is really well paid and you can earn enough to pay your bills. To work, you must have a tax file number, superannuation details (sometimes) and a bank account for the processing of your pay. There are student loans available, which you can take advantage of, for paying tution fees.

If you are looking forward to earn while studying, then talk to people who are already doing it. Talk to them about how you can work and manage studies as well. Make sure, you don’t hamper your studies by working full time.

First 6 months are tough as you struggle with different study pattern so I would suggest, not to work for first semester. Once you know how things work, you can start applying for jobs. Doing odd jobs is not wrong but getting stuck into them is. Start applying for internship programme, work as a dental assistant or any other job related to clinical field. It will give you more exposure and that work experience will be helpful for you, after you are done with masters to get a good job in your own field.

How to apply?

You need to clear IELTS exam and to get into good universities, you need 7.5/8 band and trust me, it is not difficult to achieve that. If you find it gruelling, then there are some apps available on App Store which will really help you out to prepare for exam. You can solve papers when you are free at home. They will give you a clear idea of how the exam pattern is. You can refer some books and online stuff too, rather than joining coaching classes. 

Things you need to take care of before going.

1. Bank and credit/debit cards: National Australian bank (NAB) has a branch in Mumbai and all you have to do is call them and email them the required documents and your account will be ready. (Yes, all can be done by sitting at home) when you reach there, you have to go to the branch given to you, with your documents and you will be given your debit card, the same day.

2. Handling documents: Take atleast 3-4 copies of your original documents and carry them whenever is needed rather than carrying the original ones to avoid any unfortunate events of theft or loss. Email yourself a copy of each document too.

3. Get all necessary health check ups and vaccinations and pay for your health insurance too, for the period of your stay.

4. Make sure all your flights, courses, housing and itinerary are established and secured before leaving.

5. If you don’t want to stay in the university rooms which are way expensive, you can always search for rooms or talk to the students who are already studying there and arrange your Accomodation which is cheap and comfortable.

Be prepared completely before going. Don’t leave anything for the last moment or please, don’t ignore stuff and think that you will somehow manage after going there because it’s tough as you are in a completely different country and are not familiar with people

How To Grow Your Dental Practice With Blogging?

How To Grow Your Dental Practice With Blogging?

In this technology driven world people prefer to get more information about the product or service before availing them. In fact many of you also do a research about specifications of dental gadgets before buying them or simply try to get more information about mentors or course highlights before joining any dental workshop. You look for resources from where you can find the information, either you try to read an article or watch the video and depending on what you read or saw you make a decision. Friends, just like us, the patients also do their research; they look for information before opting dental treatments.

To search dental jobs or hire dentist for clinic visit our dental portal.

Now think what can happen if you become that source of information, the chances are that you will be the dentist of choice for all those people checking out the stuff you shared.

Let’s understand how you can become a source of information?

Friends, it’s very easy, you just have to understand what your prospective patients must be looking for

Once you figure that out, you can provide them information in multiple ways for example a video, audio, blog or info graphics however blogging remains the easiest.

What is a blog or blogging?

A blog is simply a platform where you can write and publish your articles that can also have images in it. There are several blogging platforms like wordpress.com or blogspot .com that you can use and most of them are free of cost but I recommend blogspot.com as it is a Google owned entity and has better search results on the search engine.

How to create a blogger account?

All you have to do is visit www.blogspot.com and sign up to create a profile that’s it. Once you are done, you can choose a layout and start publishing your posts.

Want to know more about How to write blogs for your dental practice? Read On…

Source : DentistFriend

What Is the Use of Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth have always been a subject of interest for everyone. While dentists are busy in removing them, health experts debate about their importance at the first place. For a common man, arrival of wisdom teeth is considered as a sign of his mental maturity and those who possess fully developed wisdom teeth are deemed to have attained intelligence. Let us try to learn more about them and find out if they are of any use to us?

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Wisdom teeth are basically third molar teeth that are found in the extreme side of mouth, one at each side. So in total, there are four wisdom teeth that are supposed to be developed in a person. However, the time of arrival of these teeth is not fixed. They start developing early in some people, while some others might not get single wisdom teeth in their entire life. In most cases, people have two wisdom teeth, which mostly begin to develop in their twenties.

They develop very slowly and it could take a few years before they finally develop in full. However, most of the people get them removed before this happens because dentists recommend their removal. They reason that as they are located at extreme ends of the mouth, it is very hard to take care of them. It is a tedious task to clean them and if one fails to do so, then they are likely to get decayed and one that happens, after that they can also infect other teeth. They are also not considered of any use because of their location. As they can’t be used for chewing or any other constructive purpose and it is a tedious task to take care of them, most people prefer to get them removed.

Now an obvious question that arises here is that if they are completely useless, then why do they develop at the first place? Experts say that they were useful for our ancestors, who survived in forest by eating animals and back then; these teeth use to help them in chewing the raw flesh of different animals. As the time passed, men’s eating habits changed and gradually, he started using these teeth lesser. As a result, they too started growing late and these days, it is hard to find a person who has all four fully developed wisdom teeth. They also cause lots of pain while they are on their way to development and therefore, most of the people prefer to get them removed and avoid this prolonged pain.

Source: EzineArticles

Being Dentist: Love It, Live It, Worth It!

They say dentistry is saturated and you won’t find the scope even if you see through a microscope. The most common advice these days is ‘Don’t spoil future of your kids by getting them into BDS Course. I wonder why, so much of negativity all around? Is the scenario really very bad these days? Is the truth really very demoralizing? Answer is ‘NO’ A BIG “NO”, rather I would say that we need to change the perception towards our profession..

Visit our dental portal DentistFriend.com to share information and knowledge.

Let’s do a quick comparison of hourly income of an average Indian dentist with other professionals.

A well placed corporate guy with an experience of 3-5 years, works at least 8 hours daily under hell lot of stress & has an average hourly income of Rs. 500. A general physician has hourly income of around Rs. 2000; provided the consultation fee is Rs. 500 & he gets to see 4-5 patients every hour. 

Whereas when it comes to a dentist, the hourly income varies based on skills, Location of practice & with every treatment but it is far better. 

In short sky is the limit!! When the hourly income is so high, where’s the problem?

Source : DentistFriend

What After BDS: Clearing The Confusing Clouds

Clearing The Confusing Clouds

After my last post on What After BDS? I have been getting lot of emails from young minds to help for guidance for abroad studies. I have been in that stage where you do not know what do to and need some expert advice. 

Want to know dental courses in india after bds, visit our dental portal.

Here are few things you need to think about when you plan your future

If you have just cleared your final year or internship, you may not have a clear idea about which subject to choose. I would suggest get in to general practice for a year. Do all kinds of dentistry. In this one year time, you will develop a liking for a subject which you would like to pursue masters in. This one year will also add to your resume about what kind of clinical experience. Most colleges (outside India) do not entertain freshers for masters program. They need at least 1-2 years of clinical experience for application. This is applicable for clinical and management programs.

Future Plan:
Plan to settle abroad or come back? – Most countries do not recognise our Indian BDS. They do consider you for Masters/BDS but you cannot practice in their country without passing the licence exam. Clearing the license exam involves studying, time and money. So if you are sure you want to settle in that particular country you can start preparing for the license from day 1 or just study and come back.

Another important aspect. Arranging finances can be difficult for few people. Full time courses are very expensive. You can look out for part time courses which are less expensive. If you plan to settle in that country, you have to be prepared for all kinds of expenses and probably some familial help to get you settled. You can always apply for loans and get started with.

Most major countries do give a student visa. It also depends on the country and course. I am wondering the state of USA visa if Trumph wins!! It’s not that easy to crack in the UK visa for work permit because you need to get an employment letter after the degree which may not be easy for everyone.

Young minds- are very enthusiastic. I know this because I was one. You should talk to lot of people who are in different countries. People who have settled from India to abroad in recent times. Their struggle stories are real eye openers. It may be easy for a few but majorly people take about 3-5 years to settle down. This should make you think about the time and money invested in all this. Are you ready for this kind of commitment and dedication? I am not writing this to demoralise you guys. But you should know the non glamorous side also before putting your foot in it. Do not just blindly follow someone coz its looks so pretty!

Hope these points will help you guys think on the right track and take proper decisions for future life. Stay tuned in for more action….

Read Part I : What After BDS: Earn And Learn! WHY GO ABROAD?

Source : DentistFriend

5 Time Management Tips For Private Dental Practitioners

Time once gone does not come back. Therefore, it is essential to utilize every minute of life in a useful way. Every day, dentists are facing various cases in their dental career and have several other responsibilities too. This makes it necessary for us to stay active round the clock. If you can manage your time well, then you can achieve all the best around you.

If you are looking for second hand dentistry equipment then visit our dental portal to get best equipment.

Here are some of the best time management strategies which will help you utilize your time well without getting stressed or aging too soon! 

1. Plan your day: 

Get up early in the morning and plan your day for just 10-15 minutes. Write down the tasks in a sequence of the priority. For instance, write in the arrangement of high, medium and low priorities. Then execute them. You can even have virtual assistants for yourself to handle the routine online tasks. Trust me; this saves an ample of time on daily basis. 

2. Stay on top of your appointments:

As a dentist, it is your prime responsibility to make sure that every patient is served well and his dental problems are cured at the earliest possible time. Make sure you give the time to every patient in a range and not exactly in hours. This is because you can have an extended patient procedure. It will make the next patient wait for too long. So, don’t over promise. Just be flexible and make this clear to your patients too. They will thank you for your genuine concern! 

3. Use technology:

Yes! Make technology your friend. Make sure that you gradually start utilizing various time-saving apps. These apps serve the best for everyone irrespective of your experience of using such apps. Put reminders and just focus on your patient cases. You will get reminder alarms at the set time. You can then finish off your tasks. Just use one app and keep things simple. I assure you that you will never forget any of your tasks throughout the day. 

4. Automate whenever possible:

You can use various invoicing and patient payment software to make your clinic’s accounting smoother and faster. These days there are several levels of software available for the dentists and dental clinics. Always talk to the respective company regarding how they will save your time with their innovative services. Get the best one for your clinic. Remember that automation is for the long term, so make sure you choose the best one. 

5. Be prepared for emergencies:

You are a doctor, and in the clinic, you can anytime face an emergency. So you need to be prepared for it. Educate your team at the dental clinic regarding the common type of emergencies which usually happen in the dental clinics. Make sure they have a clear concept of it. It ensures that you don’t waste valuable time at such crucial moment. 

Thus, every dentist can utilize these simple yet effective strategies to ensure a boost in their dental career. Time is highly valuable. Value your time, and it will value you twice. 

Source : DentistFriend

Will GST Put Dentistry In A Big Loss Or We Can Outperform Against GST?

Will GST Put Dentistry In A Big Loss Or We Can Outperform Against GST

I am Dr. Nilesh Bhimani (B.D.S.), a senior Dental Surgeon from Surat (Guj.) & I would like to throw some lights on effect of GST on Dentistry! Goods and service tax (GST) is one of the most revolutionary step in history of Indian Tax System and future will witness it’s real effect. Healthcare services are exempt from GST according to GST Act, 2016. So we don’t need to charge GST on out treatment charges as we are not selling products, we provide only healthcare services.

From our dental portal you can do dental courses all over India, write blogs and participate in discussion forums.

There is a lot of buzz about GST; I see many people are talking and discussing whether GST is good or bad on the contrary I know many dentists who neither care for the GST effects nor even willing to know how it is actually going to affect the future of private dental practice. I am writing this blog for all those dentists who are curious & wish to know the after effects of GST with the hope that you will take it positively.

Let’s understand how GST is going to affect future and success of your private dental practice. Here are few points which I noticed and would want you to pay attention.

A. All standard Laboratories have transform tax statement from 5% VAT to 12% GST, means 7% rise on lab bills.

B. All material companies have changed taxation from 5-12% to 12-18% or up to 28% in few cases, means 7-16% rise in billing. 

It’s a big amount really..!

C. My clinic electricity, telephone , SMC tax, stationary, maintenance, printing, magazines or other monthly based expenses rise from 5% VAT to 12% GST, means 7% rise.

D. My clinic Insurance, Membership fees, Conferences fees etc will be also raising to some extent.

E. My staff salaries, doctor’s salaries etc will have to be raised in coming months as they have to compensate for their increased expenses due to implementation of GST.

F. Most important is my personal expenses.

Now onwards my life insurance policies, general insurance policies, lifestyle expenses, food bills, school fees, Tuition fees, shopping , holidays (which is maximum like 28% on luxury holidays)everything I do on my day to day expenses will rise like anything. Friends, We say everyone that we don’t need to add GST on patients treatment bills because we are exempted.

But are we really exempted on GST even after paying all above expenses?

There is only one solution for all above and that’s none other than RAISE YOUR TREATMENT CHARGES!

From 1 July onwards minimum 10% rise on your treatment charges would only compensate for the GST which you will pay now onwards & don’t think that you have raised charges, instead you have compensated your loss only.! In addition, 6-8% is your inflation rate which means every year your cost of same expenses increases at this rate over a period of one year. So 6-8% hike in charges will again compensates loss of steady income year by year.

So Friends, 16-18% (10% GST effect + 6-8% Inflation) rise in your treatment charges will only make you stable in your income year by year. Those who can add more than 18% rise in charges are real brave dentist and I will be happy to add them in my friend list. In fact, this is the best chance to raise your chrages as a momentum. Agreed people will ask you that it is not in your branch but you can tell them that your lab bills, material expense, clinic expense everything rise by more than 10-15% and so you have no other option if you want to justify but most of the times people will automatically justify you without asking about it.

I have tried to give you some striking GST effects on your dental practice. Hope we all put a step ahead for a successful dental carrier! Try it today..! Keep Smiling

Source : DentistFriend