What Is the Use of Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth have always been a subject of interest for everyone. While dentists are busy in removing them, health experts debate about their importance at the first place. For a common man, arrival of wisdom teeth is considered as a sign of his mental maturity and those who possess fully developed wisdom teeth are deemed to have attained intelligence. Let us try to learn more about them and find out if they are of any use to us?

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Wisdom teeth are basically third molar teeth that are found in the extreme side of mouth, one at each side. So in total, there are four wisdom teeth that are supposed to be developed in a person. However, the time of arrival of these teeth is not fixed. They start developing early in some people, while some others might not get single wisdom teeth in their entire life. In most cases, people have two wisdom teeth, which mostly begin to develop in their twenties.

They develop very slowly and it could take a few years before they finally develop in full. However, most of the people get them removed before this happens because dentists recommend their removal. They reason that as they are located at extreme ends of the mouth, it is very hard to take care of them. It is a tedious task to clean them and if one fails to do so, then they are likely to get decayed and one that happens, after that they can also infect other teeth. They are also not considered of any use because of their location. As they can’t be used for chewing or any other constructive purpose and it is a tedious task to take care of them, most people prefer to get them removed.

Now an obvious question that arises here is that if they are completely useless, then why do they develop at the first place? Experts say that they were useful for our ancestors, who survived in forest by eating animals and back then; these teeth use to help them in chewing the raw flesh of different animals. As the time passed, men’s eating habits changed and gradually, he started using these teeth lesser. As a result, they too started growing late and these days, it is hard to find a person who has all four fully developed wisdom teeth. They also cause lots of pain while they are on their way to development and therefore, most of the people prefer to get them removed and avoid this prolonged pain.

Source: EzineArticles

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