Being Dentist: Love It, Live It, Worth It!

They say dentistry is saturated and you won’t find the scope even if you see through a microscope. The most common advice these days is ‘Don’t spoil future of your kids by getting them into BDS Course. I wonder why, so much of negativity all around? Is the scenario really very bad these days? Is the truth really very demoralizing? Answer is ‘NO’ A BIG “NO”, rather I would say that we need to change the perception towards our profession..

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Let’s do a quick comparison of hourly income of an average Indian dentist with other professionals.

A well placed corporate guy with an experience of 3-5 years, works at least 8 hours daily under hell lot of stress & has an average hourly income of Rs. 500. A general physician has hourly income of around Rs. 2000; provided the consultation fee is Rs. 500 & he gets to see 4-5 patients every hour. 

Whereas when it comes to a dentist, the hourly income varies based on skills, Location of practice & with every treatment but it is far better. 

In short sky is the limit!! When the hourly income is so high, where’s the problem?

Source : DentistFriend

5 Time Management Tips For Private Dental Practitioners

Time once gone does not come back. Therefore, it is essential to utilize every minute of life in a useful way. Every day, dentists are facing various cases in their dental career and have several other responsibilities too. This makes it necessary for us to stay active round the clock. If you can manage your time well, then you can achieve all the best around you.

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Here are some of the best time management strategies which will help you utilize your time well without getting stressed or aging too soon! 

1. Plan your day: 

Get up early in the morning and plan your day for just 10-15 minutes. Write down the tasks in a sequence of the priority. For instance, write in the arrangement of high, medium and low priorities. Then execute them. You can even have virtual assistants for yourself to handle the routine online tasks. Trust me; this saves an ample of time on daily basis. 

2. Stay on top of your appointments:

As a dentist, it is your prime responsibility to make sure that every patient is served well and his dental problems are cured at the earliest possible time. Make sure you give the time to every patient in a range and not exactly in hours. This is because you can have an extended patient procedure. It will make the next patient wait for too long. So, don’t over promise. Just be flexible and make this clear to your patients too. They will thank you for your genuine concern! 

3. Use technology:

Yes! Make technology your friend. Make sure that you gradually start utilizing various time-saving apps. These apps serve the best for everyone irrespective of your experience of using such apps. Put reminders and just focus on your patient cases. You will get reminder alarms at the set time. You can then finish off your tasks. Just use one app and keep things simple. I assure you that you will never forget any of your tasks throughout the day. 

4. Automate whenever possible:

You can use various invoicing and patient payment software to make your clinic’s accounting smoother and faster. These days there are several levels of software available for the dentists and dental clinics. Always talk to the respective company regarding how they will save your time with their innovative services. Get the best one for your clinic. Remember that automation is for the long term, so make sure you choose the best one. 

5. Be prepared for emergencies:

You are a doctor, and in the clinic, you can anytime face an emergency. So you need to be prepared for it. Educate your team at the dental clinic regarding the common type of emergencies which usually happen in the dental clinics. Make sure they have a clear concept of it. It ensures that you don’t waste valuable time at such crucial moment. 

Thus, every dentist can utilize these simple yet effective strategies to ensure a boost in their dental career. Time is highly valuable. Value your time, and it will value you twice. 

Source : DentistFriend

How to practice in CANADA after BDS?

How to practice in CANADA after BDS?

If you are planning to practice in Canada after BDS then you are at right place. I have shared all the details on how you can practice in Canada after BDS from India. It’s going to be a step by step video where I’ll provide complete information on Eligibility Criteria, Exam Process, Exam Fees, Time Required to Clear Exams and an overview on the Expenses. So do watch this video till end.

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Source : DentistFriend