Streamlining Dental Care: The Advantages of Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment in Vijayawada

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment in Vijayawada


Dental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and root canal treatment is often necessary to alleviate pain and preserve a tooth. Traditionally, root canal treatment involved multiple visits to the dentist, but with advancements in technology and techniques, single sitting root canal treatment has emerged as a preferred option. In Vijayawada, this innovative approach to dental care offers numerous advantages, providing patients with efficient and effective treatment in a single visit.

Understanding Root Canal Treatment:

Before delving into the benefits of single sitting root canal treatment, it’s important to understand the procedure itself. Root canal treatment is typically recommended when the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, a cracked tooth, or repeated dental procedures. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected pulp, cleans the inside of the tooth, and seals it to prevent further infection.

The Traditional Approach vs. Single Sitting Treatment:

Traditionally, root canal treatment involved multiple visits to the dentist’s office. The initial visit would focus on diagnosing the issue and preparing the tooth for treatment, while subsequent visits would involve cleaning and filling the tooth. This approach often meant prolonged discomfort for the patient and increased time and cost associated with multiple appointments.

In contrast, single sitting root canal treatment condenses the entire procedure into a single visit. Advanced technology and specialized techniques allow dentists to complete the treatment efficiently while ensuring optimal results. This streamlined approach offers several advantages for both patients and dental professionals.

Advantages of Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment:

1. Time-Saving: One of the most significant benefits of single sitting root canal treatment is the time saved for both patients and dentists. Rather than scheduling multiple appointments spread over several days or weeks, patients can undergo the entire procedure in a single visit, minimizing disruptions to their daily lives.

2. Reduced Discomfort: Traditional root canal treatment often required the use of temporary fillings between appointments, which could lead to discomfort and sensitivity. With single sitting treatment, there’s no need for temporary fillings, reducing the risk of post-treatment discomfort and ensuring a more comfortable experience for the patient.

3. Preservation of Tooth Structure: Single sitting root canal treatment allows for more precise and conservative treatment of the tooth, preserving its natural structure to the greatest extent possible. This minimally invasive approach helps maintain the strength and integrity of the tooth while effectively addressing the underlying issue.

4. Enhanced Efficiency: Advanced instrumentation and techniques used in single sitting root canal treatment enhance the efficiency of the procedure. With access to cutting-edge equipment and materials, dentists can thoroughly clean and seal the tooth in a shorter amount of time without compromising on quality.

5. Improved Patient Satisfaction: By offering a more convenient and comfortable treatment option, single sitting root canal treatment contributes to overall patient satisfaction. Patients appreciate the efficiency of the procedure and the ability to quickly return to their normal activities without prolonged discomfort or inconvenience.


Single sitting root canal treatment represents a significant advancement in dental care, offering numerous benefits for patients in Vijayawada and beyond. By streamlining the treatment process and providing efficient, effective care in a single visit, this innovative approach improves patient comfort, preserves tooth structure, and enhances overall satisfaction. For individuals in need of root canal treatment, exploring the option of single sitting treatment can lead to a more positive dental experience and optimal oral health outcomes.

Decoding Dental Implants in Deonar Chembur: Cost Considerations for a Restored Smile

Deonar Chembur, a vibrant hub in Mumbai, offers a thriving center for healthcare excellence, including advanced dentistry. Among the transformative solutions offered are dental implants, a boon for individuals grappling with tooth loss. If you’re considering dental implants in Deonar Chembur, understanding the dental implant cost in Deonar Chembur is crucial for informed decision-making. This blog delves into the factors influencing the cost and guides you through navigating this essential aspect of dental care.

Understanding Dental Implants: A Foundation for a Brighter Smile

Before diving into cost considerations, let’s explore what dental implants are. These are prosthetic tooth roots surgically placed into your jawbone to support artificial teeth or bridges. This innovative solution not only restores the natural aesthetics of your smile but also provides functionality akin to natural teeth. Unlike conventional dentures or bridges, dental implants offer a permanent and durable alternative.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Dental Implants in Deonar Chembur

The cost of dental implants in Deonar Chembur is influenced by various factors, each playing a significant role in determining the overall expense.

  • Number of Implants Needed: The number of implants directly impacts the total treatment cost. Whether replacing a single tooth or opting for multiple implants to support a bridge or denture, the quantity significantly influences the overall expense.
  • Implant Material and Type: Dental implants come in various materials like titanium and zirconia, each with varying costs. Additionally, the type of implant chosen, such as traditional implants, mini implants, or all-on-4 implants, can also affect the overall cost.
  • Preparatory Procedures: In some cases, preparatory procedures might be required before implant placement. These could include bone grafting or sinus lifts to ensure sufficient bone mass for implant stability. The complexity and necessity of these procedures can influence the cost.
  • Experience and Expertise of the Dentist: The skill and experience of your chosen dentist play a vital role. A highly qualified and experienced implantologist who prioritizes advanced techniques and materials will likely have a higher consultation and treatment fee. However, this expertise translates to better treatment outcomes, reduced risk of complications, and potentially fewer follow-up appointments, leading to long-term cost savings.
  • Dental Clinic Location and Facilities: The location and amenities offered by the dental clinic can also influence the cost. Clinics in prime locations with state-of-the-art equipment and technology may have a higher overhead cost, reflected in the treatment fee.
  • X-rays and Diagnostic Tests: Necessary diagnostic tests like X-rays, CT scans, or 3D imaging are crucial for treatment planning. The cost of these tests can vary depending on the complexity of your case.
  • Dental Insurance Coverage: Dental insurance plans may offer varying levels of coverage for dental implant procedures. It’s advisable to check your specific plan details to understand the extent to which it covers implant costs.

Getting an Accurate Estimate for Dental Implants in Deonar Chembur

The best way to determine the exact cost of dental implants in Deonar Chembur is to schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist. During this consultation, the dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health, assess your jawbone density, and discuss your specific needs and goals. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, they can provide a personalized treatment plan and a detailed cost estimate.

Investing in a Brighter Future with Dental Implants

While the upfront cost of dental implants might seem substantial, it’s an investment in your long-term oral health and overall well-being. Dental implants offer numerous advantages over traditional options, including:

  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Implants provide a natural-looking and stable solution that blends seamlessly with your existing teeth.
  • Improved Functionality: Dental implants allow you to chew and speak with confidence, restoring normal biting force.
  • Durability and Longevity: Implants are designed to last for many years with proper care, eliminating the need for frequent replacements.
  • Boosted Self-Esteem: A restored smile can significantly improve your confidence and social interactions.

Radiants Smiles: Your Partner in Achieving a Radiant Smile with Dental Implants

At Radiants Smiles, we understand the importance of a healthy and confident smile. We offer a team of experienced and qualified implantologists who utilize advanced technology and techniques to ensure exceptional dental implant care. We believe in transparency and will provide you with a detailed cost breakdown during your consultation.

Schedule an appointment with Radiants Smiles today and embark on your journey to a brighter smile with dental implants. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal oral health and regain the confidence to smile brightly!pen_sparktunesharemore_vert

Smile Care Excellence: Your Guide to Finding the Best Dentist in Vijayawada

dentist in vijayawada

In the bustling city of Vijayawada, where the vibrancy of life is evident at every corner, maintaining good oral health is an essential part of overall well-being. Choosing the right dentist can make all the difference in achieving a healthy and confident smile. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will navigate through the considerations for selecting a dentist in Vijayawada, the significance of regular dental care, and the diverse range of services you can expect from a reputable dental professional in the area.

The Importance of Dental Health

Our smiles play a crucial role in our daily lives, from expressing joy to making lasting impressions. Optimal oral health not only contributes to a beautiful smile but also has far-reaching effects on our overall well-being.

Regular dental care is fundamental to preventing issues, detecting problems early, and ensuring that our smiles remain vibrant and healthy.

Navigating the Search for a Dentist in Vijayawada

Qualifications and Expertise

When embarking on the quest to find a dentist in Vijayawada, the qualifications and expertise of the dental professional should be a primary consideration. 

Look for a dentist with the necessary education, training, and experience in the field of dentistry. Certifications and memberships in dental associations are indicative of a commitment to excellence in dental care.

Reputation and Reviews

The reputation of a dentist speaks volumes about their practice. Reading patient reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the experiences of others. Positive feedback and success stories are strong indicators of a dentist’s ability to deliver quality and patient-centered care.

Comprehensive Services

A reliable dentist in Vijayawada should offer a comprehensive range of dental services to cater to the diverse needs of patients. Look for a dental professional who provides general dentistry services, such as check-ups and cleanings, as well as specialized services like cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and oral surgery.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Modern dentistry benefits from advanced technologies and techniques. A reputable dentist in Vijayawada should have access to state-of-the-art facilities and utilize the latest dental equipment to ensure that patients receive high-quality and efficient care.

Services You Can Expect from a Dentist in Vijayawada:

General Dentistry

General dentistry forms the foundation of oral health care. A dentist in Vijayawada should offer routine check-ups, cleanings, and preventive care to maintain optimal oral health. These services are crucial for early detection and prevention of common dental issues.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the aesthetics of your smile. Services such as teeth whitening, dental veneers, and smile makeovers are designed to improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your confidence.


Orthodontic services, including braces and Invisalign, are essential for correcting misaligned teeth and bite issues. A dentist in Vijayawada should be equipped to assess orthodontic needs and provide suitable treatment options.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery may be necessary for procedures such as tooth extractions, dental implants, and wisdom tooth removal. A skilled dentist in Vijayawada should be proficient in performing these surgeries with precision and care.

Periodontal Care

Periodontal care focuses on the health of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Services such as scaling and root planing, gum grafts, and periodontal maintenance should be offered by a comprehensive dental practice.

The Dental Care Process

Initial Consultation

Your journey with a dentist in Vijayawada typically begins with an initial consultation. During this appointment, the dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health, discuss any concerns or goals you may have, and develop a customized treatment plan.

Treatment Planning

Based on the initial consultation and any necessary diagnostic tests, the dentist will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline the recommended procedures, timelines, and estimated costs.


Once the treatment plan is in place, you’ll proceed with the necessary dental procedures. Whether it’s a routine cleaning, a cosmetic treatment, or a more extensive dental intervention, your dentist will ensure that you are comfortable and informed throughout the process.

Follow-Up and Maintenance

After completing the recommended treatments, regular follow-up appointments are crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. 

These appointments allow your dentist to monitor the success of the treatments, address any concerns, and provide ongoing care.

Choosing the Right Dentist in Vijayawada

Selecting the right dentist for your dental care is a significant decision. Consider the following factors when choosing a dentist in Vijayawada:

Qualifications and Credentials

Ensure that the dentist has the necessary qualifications and credentials to perform dental procedures. Look for evidence of advanced training, certifications, and ongoing education in dentistry.

Experience in Diverse Services

A dentist with experience in diverse dental services is advantageous. Whether you require general dentistry, cosmetic enhancements, or specialized treatments, a well-rounded dental professional can cater to all your oral health needs.

Patient-Centric Approach

Choose a dentist who adopts a patient-centric approach to care. A compassionate and communicative dentist ensures that you feel comfortable, informed, and actively involved in your oral health journey.

Technology Integration

A dentist who embraces modern dental technologies demonstrates a commitment to providing efficient and effective care. From digital imaging to laser dentistry, the integration of technology enhances the overall dental experience.

Maintaining Good Oral Health

While visiting a dentist in Vijayawada is crucial for professional care, maintaining good oral hygiene at home is equally important. Here are some tips for optimal oral health:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily to remove plaque and debris between your teeth.
  • Limit sugary snacks and beverages to reduce the risk of cavities.
  • Attend regular dental check-ups for professional cleanings and monitoring of your oral health.


Choosing the right dentist in Vijayawada is a significant step towards achieving and maintaining a healthy and radiant smile. With a comprehensive range of services, a patient-centric approach, and a commitment to excellence, your chosen dentist should be a partner in your journey to optimal oral health.

If you’re in Vijayawada and seeking a dentist who understands your unique oral health needs, take the first step by scheduling a consultation with a reputable and experienced dental professional. Embrace the path to a healthier, brighter smile and enjoy the benefits of proactive dental care in the heart of Vijayawada.

Unveiling the Best Dental Clinic for Dental Implants in Hyderabad

When it comes to restoring your smile and oral functionality, dental implants are a revolutionary solution. However, finding the right dental clinic for this procedure is paramount. In the bustling city of Hyderabad, renowned for its medical excellence, you’ll discover a range of options. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of dental implants and introduce you to the best dental clinic for dental implants in Hyderabad.

Understanding the Significance of Dental Implants

Before delving into the best clinics, it’s crucial to grasp the importance of dental implants. These remarkable devices are artificial tooth roots, often crafted from biocompatible materials like titanium. They are surgically implanted into your jawbone to provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Beyond the restoration of your smile’s aesthetics, dental implants offer unparalleled functionality and durability.

What Sets Apart the Best Dental Clinic for Dental Implants

Hyderabad boasts several dental clinics that have positioned themselves as leaders in the field of dental implantology. Let’s explore the features that set these clinics apart:

Expertise and Experience

The best dental clinics are staffed with experienced professionals who specialize in dental implant procedures. Their expertise ensures the success and longevity of your dental implant surgery.

Cutting-Edge Technology

State-of-the-art dental clinics leverage the latest advancements in technology. This includes digital imaging, 3D cone-beam CT scans, and computer-guided implant placement, which enhances the precision and comfort of the procedure.

Customized Treatment Plans

Each patient’s dental needs are unique. The best clinics understand this and focus on providing tailored treatment plans to ensure the best possible outcomes for every individual.

Patient-Centric Approach

Compassion and patient comfort are paramount in the best dental clinics. They understand that dental procedures can be intimidating and prioritize creating a welcoming and positive experience.

Transparent Pricing

Clear and transparent pricing is a hallmark of the best dental clinics. Patients should be fully informed about the costs associated with their dental implant treatment, without any hidden fees.

The Dental Implant Procedure: Step by Step

Understanding the dental implant procedure can help alleviate any concerns and provide clarity on what to expect. Here’s a step-by-step overview:

1. Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with a comprehensive examination and consultation. During this phase, the dental team assesses your oral health, discusses your treatment options, and addresses any questions or concerns you may have. This step is vital for creating a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

2. Precise Planning

Advanced technology plays a significant role in planning your dental implant procedure. Tools like digital imaging and 3D cone-beam CT scans are used to ensure the precise placement of the implant. This planning stage is critical for optimal function and aesthetics.

3. Implant Placement

The dental implant, often constructed from biocompatible titanium, is surgically placed into the jawbone. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia or sedation, ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient.

4. Healing and Integration

Over time, the implant undergoes a process called osseointegration. During this phase, the implant fuses with the surrounding jawbone, creating a secure and stable foundation for the replacement tooth.

5. Abutment Placement

After osseointegration is complete, a small connector, known as an abutment, is attached to the implant. The abutment serves as the anchor for the final restoration.

6. Custom Restoration

The final step involves attaching the custom restoration to the abutment. This restoration is designed to be functional and aesthetically pleasing, seamlessly blending with your natural teeth.

In Conclusion

Your smile is a vital part of your identity, and dental implants can help you regain the confidence and functionality you deserve. Hyderabad, celebrated for its medical excellence, offers a range of clinics specializing in dental implant procedures. To embark on your journey toward a rejuvenated smile, consider consulting one of these premier dental clinics in Hyderabad. Your radiant smile is within reach, waiting to be restored by the expertise, technology, and patient-centric care offered by these leading dental clinics.

Smile Transformation: Finding the Best Dental Clinic for Dental Implants in Hyderabad


A complete, confident smile is a powerful asset, and for individuals with missing teeth, dental implants are a remarkable solution. In Hyderabad, a city celebrated for its healthcare excellence, selecting the best dental clinic for dental implants in hyderabad is crucial. This blog will guide you through the world of dental implants in Hyderabad, helping you discover the top clinic for this life-changing procedure.

The Significance of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a game-changer in restorative dentistry. These artificial tooth roots are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a strong and permanent foundation for replacement teeth. With benefits like natural appearance, functionality, and long-term durability, dental implants have become the gold standard for restoring smiles.

Introducing the Best Dental Clinic for Dental Implants in Hyderabad

Why Choose Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center ?

  1. Implant Expertise: At Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center , a team of highly skilled and experienced dental professionals specializes in dental implantology. Their expertise ensures that patients receive the highest quality care and the best possible outcomes.
  2. Cutting-Edge Technology: The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art dental technology, including digital imaging, 3D cone-beam CT scans, and computer-guided implant placement. These tools enable precise planning and execution of implant procedures.
  3. Customized Treatment Plans: Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center  places a strong emphasis on personalized care. Each patient’s unique needs are thoroughly assessed, and customized treatment plans are designed to achieve the best results.
  4. Patient-Centric Approach: The clinic prioritizes patient comfort and satisfaction. The friendly and compassionate staff ensures a welcoming atmosphere, and all concerns are addressed with care and patience.
  5. Transparent Pricing: Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center is committed to transparent pricing, providing fair treatment costs without hidden fees, ensuring patients receive high-value services.

The Dental Implant Procedure at Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center

The dental implant procedure at Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center typically follows these steps:

  1. Comprehensive Consultation: Your journey begins with a thorough examination and consultation. The dental team will assess your oral health, discuss your treatment options, and answer any questions you may have.
  2. Precise Planning: Advanced technology is employed to plan your implant procedure with precision. This ensures that the implant is placed in the ideal position for optimal function and aesthetics.
  3. Implant Placement: The dental implant, made of biocompatible titanium, is surgically placed into the jawbone under local anesthesia or sedation.
  4. Healing and Integration: Over time, the implant fuses with the surrounding jawbone in a process called osseointegration. This provides a secure and stable foundation for the replacement tooth.
  5. Abutment Placement: After osseointegration is complete, a small connector called an abutment is attached to the implant. This abutment will serve as the anchor for the final restoration.
  6. Custom Restoration: Once the custom restoration is ready, it is affixed to the abutment. The result is a functional and aesthetically pleasing replacement tooth that seamlessly blends with your natural teeth.


A confident smile is a reflection of your personality and well-being, and dental implants can help you regain that confidence. In Hyderabad, Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center stands out as the premier dental clinic for dental implants, offering expertise, advanced technology, and a patient-centric approach to care. If you’re considering dental implants to transform your smile, consult with Dr.Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center in Hyderabad. With their commitment to excellence in oral health and aesthetics, you can look forward to a brighter and more confident future. Schedule a consultation today and embark on your journey to a rejuvenated smile.

Students Corner: Process For Getting Migration Certificate From MUHS Nashik

Process For Getting Migration Certificate From MUHS Nashik

A Migration Certificate is required in case you are switching from your previous university to a different university for further education or any other reason. It’s a kind of “No Objection Certificate” that has to submitted for joining new university. In this blogpost I am going to share the process on how to issue Migration Certificate from Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences, Nashik. But don’t worry, even if you belong to any other university, the overall process is very much common. Here are the steps that you have to follow:

Visit the dental portal to know how long does it take to become a dentist in india.

STEP 1: You can download the application from official MUHS website or Click Here To Download. Once you have the hard copy of the application form, fill in the details and follow step two

STEP 2: You will have to issue a No Objection Certificate/Letter from your college authorities by filling an application for “Issuance of Migration Certificate”.  Make sure all the details are filled correctly with signature of Dean with College stamp. 

STEP 3: Once you have the application form and NOC ready as mentioned in step1 & 2 respectively; attach the bellow mentioned documents.

1. Original College Leaving Certificate Specially mentioned with “ISSUED ONLY FOR MIGRATION PURPOSE”

2. Attested copy of Statement of Marks of the Last Examination appeared.

3. Attested copy of the University Internship Completion Certificate in case passed the Final Year Examination.

4. Original Affidavit by a Bonded candidate of Govt./ Corp. College, if any. 

5. Letter/ Undertaking of Applicant’s College Authorities in Original.

6. Original “Affidavit Gap Certificate”, if any.

7. In case Duplicate Transfer/Leaving Certificate is submitted, attach the original F. I. R copy, original affidavit towards Duplicate Transfer/Leaving Certificate.

STEP 4:  Once you are done with above steps, you will have to submit the application form with all the mandatory documents along with a Demand Draft (Demand Draft should be from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of “The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences” payable at Nashik.) on below mentioned address.


1)      By registered / Speed-post =  1000 INR

2)      Urgent / Speed-Post =  1500 INR

ADDRESS: The Registrar Office, Maharashtra University of Health Science, Vani – Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik, Maharashtra 422003

PLEASE NOTE:  If you submit the application before 11.00 am the certificate is issued on same day before 5.00 pm but in case you get late the application will be processed on next working day. I have mentioned the complete process for issuing Migration Certificate from MUHS Nashik still I would advice you to go through the official MUHS site or contact the respective university before proceeding. 

Source : DentistFriend

What After BDS: MBA From Australia

What After BDS MBA From Australia

Third year of my graduation was the realization point for me that I’m really not loving what I’m doing. Days were going fine with everyone around but nights were depressing. I used to think a lot about how I’m going to deal with what I’m feeling. It used to scare me. I often used to get depressed and think that what I’m doing now is safer and better than changing my field completely and who knows, I might get too unhappy and regret my decision.

To know how to settle in abroad after BDS in india visit our dental portal.

Yes, I was thinking of changing my field and get into management full time and that’s how the search for other opportunities started. To do MBA from India, is a very tedious procedure and was stressing me out. My parents were aware of this and they completely supported my decision. Suddenly, my parents impromptu business visit to Australia somehow turned my world upside down for better. It was my father who suggested me to do research and look for better universities and that’s how my journey started. If you are planning to study abroad after your BDS from India then, before you proceed; do read my blog post on “Things To Consider Before Studying Abroad

If you guys are really interested in pursuing MBA in hospital management from Australia then here are the answers to some common questions,

Why MBA in Hospital Management?

MBA in hospital management has good scope in India and other countries due to the increase in awareness among people. It has emerged as a new career opportunity not only for doctors but also for other science graduates. After completing MBA, there are enough options you can opt for. You can get into hospital management or can join companies related to health and marketing. Scope is vast but the clarity and the assurance about why you really want to do it, is important. All these things doesn’t matter unless and until you have the interest for management. If you are sure that you really enjoy management than clinical field then you should completely go for it.

Why I chose Australia?

1.Procedure is relatively simple.

2.Has some really good universities.

3.Has really good scope in health management.

4.Flexible enough to work and study as well. So you can earn while studying.

Australian Student visa allows you to study full time and work part time for 20hrs a week, which is sufficient for your living expenses. Part time work in Australia is really well paid and you can earn enough to pay your bills. To work, you must have a tax file number, superannuation details (sometimes) and a bank account for the processing of your pay. There are student loans available, which you can take advantage of, for paying tution fees.

If you are looking forward to earn while studying, then talk to people who are already doing it. Talk to them about how you can work and manage studies as well. Make sure, you don’t hamper your studies by working full time.

First 6 months are tough as you struggle with different study pattern so I would suggest, not to work for first semester. Once you know how things work, you can start applying for jobs. Doing odd jobs is not wrong but getting stuck into them is. Start applying for internship programme, work as a dental assistant or any other job related to clinical field. It will give you more exposure and that work experience will be helpful for you, after you are done with masters to get a good job in your own field.

How to apply?

You need to clear IELTS exam and to get into good universities, you need 7.5/8 band and trust me, it is not difficult to achieve that. If you find it gruelling, then there are some apps available on App Store which will really help you out to prepare for exam. You can solve papers when you are free at home. They will give you a clear idea of how the exam pattern is. You can refer some books and online stuff too, rather than joining coaching classes. 

Things you need to take care of before going.

1. Bank and credit/debit cards: National Australian bank (NAB) has a branch in Mumbai and all you have to do is call them and email them the required documents and your account will be ready. (Yes, all can be done by sitting at home) when you reach there, you have to go to the branch given to you, with your documents and you will be given your debit card, the same day.

2. Handling documents: Take atleast 3-4 copies of your original documents and carry them whenever is needed rather than carrying the original ones to avoid any unfortunate events of theft or loss. Email yourself a copy of each document too.

3. Get all necessary health check ups and vaccinations and pay for your health insurance too, for the period of your stay.

4. Make sure all your flights, courses, housing and itinerary are established and secured before leaving.

5. If you don’t want to stay in the university rooms which are way expensive, you can always search for rooms or talk to the students who are already studying there and arrange your Accomodation which is cheap and comfortable.

Be prepared completely before going. Don’t leave anything for the last moment or please, don’t ignore stuff and think that you will somehow manage after going there because it’s tough as you are in a completely different country and are not familiar with people

Being Dentist: Love It, Live It, Worth It!

They say dentistry is saturated and you won’t find the scope even if you see through a microscope. The most common advice these days is ‘Don’t spoil future of your kids by getting them into BDS Course. I wonder why, so much of negativity all around? Is the scenario really very bad these days? Is the truth really very demoralizing? Answer is ‘NO’ A BIG “NO”, rather I would say that we need to change the perception towards our profession..

Visit our dental portal to share information and knowledge.

Let’s do a quick comparison of hourly income of an average Indian dentist with other professionals.

A well placed corporate guy with an experience of 3-5 years, works at least 8 hours daily under hell lot of stress & has an average hourly income of Rs. 500. A general physician has hourly income of around Rs. 2000; provided the consultation fee is Rs. 500 & he gets to see 4-5 patients every hour. 

Whereas when it comes to a dentist, the hourly income varies based on skills, Location of practice & with every treatment but it is far better. 

In short sky is the limit!! When the hourly income is so high, where’s the problem?

Source : DentistFriend

How to practice in CANADA after BDS?

How to practice in CANADA after BDS?

If you are planning to practice in Canada after BDS then you are at right place. I have shared all the details on how you can practice in Canada after BDS from India. It’s going to be a step by step video where I’ll provide complete information on Eligibility Criteria, Exam Process, Exam Fees, Time Required to Clear Exams and an overview on the Expenses. So do watch this video till end.

Which dental courses in india are best after BDS to know visit our website

List of colleges and Universities that come under Non-Accredited Dental Programs

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Source : DentistFriend